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Immunity IV

The COVID-19 Immunity IV is a new treatment specifically geared toward fighting off the Coronavirus Disease.

What is the Immunity IV?

The Immunity IV is a new treatment specifically geared toward fighting off the Coronavirus Disease and increasing immune function in general.

What are the ingredients?

  • Vitamin C 5500 mg
  • B complex 3 cc
  • B12 -3 mg
  • Lipoic Acid 50 mg
  • Zinc Chloride 10 mg
  • Selenium 200 mcg

Schedule your treatments in Gig Harbor, Washington

We suggest the  immunity IV along with  Vitamin D 100,000 iu intramuscular injections as a way to increase immune function. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Rubin to learn more about Coronavirus Immunity IV therapy. She will address any questions or concerns you have. Give us a call at (253) 358-3667 or schedule online today!

*Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed

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(253) 358-3667